Viller's RuneScape lookup tools

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Yesterday's nolifers

Stats update daily at 3:00 server time (that's in 6:41).


Total Wakko 5,265,110
Ranged Wakko 5,132,245
Hunter DarkRevision 2,274,783
Necromancy Guildmaster 1,830,078
Fletching David S11 1,352,739
Defence Zhet1 972,023
Constitution Guildmaster 634,720
Slayer Selan 577,331
Archaeology Death91 91 485,374
Fishing Guildmaster 427,541
Cooking Selan 334,027
Farming Guildmaster 327,578
Mining name hidden 321,016
Crafting Boomer 309,997
Dungeoneering stalker 273,573
Strength Selan 259,066
Prayer G a b r 213,471
Woodcutting Coolkid57 168,212
Firemaking Ace Soul 138,180
Magic King Wot Wot 134,882
Runecrafting David S11 124,210
Divination learnfrom it 107,543
Agility Guildmaster 70,976
Construction Boomer 66,847
Thieving Boomer 54,150
Herblore Ace Soul 37,340
Summoning Ace Soul 27,779
Smithing Boomer 26,356
Attack King Wot Wot 13,672
Invention Boomer 46


Total Parf 3,129,136
Cooking Peaceful 2,510,490
Magic sora 518,312
Strength bozo 389,994
Farming Holo 220,723
Attack DrDoom 191,274
Defence DrDoom 174,854
Constitution DrDoom 158,577
Slayer bozo 122,954
Crafting DrDoom 116,907
Mining DrDoom 116,651
Firemaking DrDoom 108,681
Ranged DrDoom 104,286
Fletching DrDoom 101,788
Prayer DrDoom 76,958
Woodcutting bluesunshine 62,025
Agility Holo 37,160
Smithing Parf 12,743
Hunter Peaceful 4,560
Thieving bluesunshine 3,258
Fishing Husk Hunter 2,120
Construction bluesunshine 1,116
Herblore bluesunshine 1,000
Runecrafting bluesunshine 10

Tracked players

00000000 1 24k Lamb 3 509sF1n3st 99Prayerbby A Fairmaiden A Level3noob ace of kings Ace Soul Aerin Aether Aethyria Akt91 Alkan ALostCause Angel Nikita Annyxia ArcaneDroid Ardanwen Ardanwyn AshleyKurusu Aske 2 Autoclicking batking2000 BesT3d Big Bro 5000 BigDaddy5517 bluesunshine Blurkeskoop Bob Boomer Boomerang bozo bum Cake751 ChaosEmerald Chica Chinurukai CHKNLTL Chloronium cicada 3301 Cicada3301 ComeCloser Coolkid57 Cup of tea Daddy Cake Dark Lord darkcat10 DarkRevision Dav1221 David S11 Death91 91 diana Disurge dontforgetme DrDoom Drpepper181 DutchQM E El Cool ex-introvert Exij Fe Conor FinalFantasy FireRed Fires Brand francisco G a b r Gamico Gingerman93 Gold Duckii Guildmaster Hall of Fame hamdi harry potter hatsrule1 Headfirstdiv Hermione hesterk2000 Hexid Holo Husk Hunter huso5314 I Love Y0U IamJfa ilodilo Inflated Box Inni30 j1mmy JaceTheMan Jarico Jayce Atkins johnyleea Kakamile Kalameet King Wot Wot Kjell Knuffies Learaggin learnfrom it Left_Shin Lennoxville lllRaijinlll Locituo Lodas Lord Murder Maadarra Mad Raccoon Magictulip Mahigs MangoJelly MaxedOut Maya La Meanmelter Mega Mouse melzar715 metroid626 Mickey Mouse Mightyzman Miss Hump Mondays GG MPEG Mr Hump MrMutt My Death Bed name hidden NotGoodAlso ObZen Olaff Olaffiej OneLifeScape P I O Papa Smurf Parf PatrickJnr Peaceful Potato Seed poundcake PreCoded Putrescent Quillosius Quitting Rafel Raphcelian redshftr Rehan Remkehuberts Revan Rinoa RomanceDeath Rosalina RowTheBoat S9 BlackR00T Sabrina Sam4845 Sanchovie saradomin sassykitten Sassykitty Scotmai Sedridor seed Selan September Serai Arc skeletonzzz Slayermusiq1 sora Spirit Shard St albert TG stalker STE4LTH C0W subscap sweatypalms Synth Wave TaikaWaititi TehNoobShow The Allah The Duke The Slicer31 TheCJ TheDorambor Time Hero ToiletPaper tonythetiger Toysy123 TPIZALICIOUS Transformers TrayMont Valebreak Vanens Vanilla Ice Villermen Wakko Weed White Tiger1 WhyFletch Windows XP Xavathos Xp Waste Yann yo mamma Yugi0121 Zamorkhan Zaodos Zelda Zephoria zezima Zhet1 Zidane Zonse 00 0 17651543 24EM 6fel 9 hp boi 93 toyota Abusive AmberCamilia Amy Armoede asap killa AVBBALL Blondeswim Boodef CountOlaf DannyPhantom domonkasshu Epona Hermy-Boi hoagie sub Honeydew x ICONICLEGEND ifweweregay iptbbxidho15 Jerry G6 John Joe20 KidsNextDoor KurokibaMiko love2sleep maddie468 Magikarp0 Mikayluh Milkcartonnn Millenial Misterk24 MistyLions Moist Goblet Nathan 093 nordisk tjej Noxarion NoXPwaste nurse joy OG lordkoi omarrBTW Pk Rockstar pubec pure noob Qazw287 QQ Reset Rs CiCi x RS III Sucks servechilled Shia Straightline swannie666 t1ny monkey The Bemon Of TheHerbMon thot cowboy Tz-Xil Drow Weak Sylveon xPulseSNH ZAP