Skill | Level | XP | Rank | XP to next | Progress | Trained today | Trained yesterday | Ranked yesterday | Trained last week | Ranked last week | Record | Record date |
Total | 1986 | 160,178,896 | 374,516 | +10,200 | +77,842 | -180 | +3,589,697 | +4,427 | +4,524,761 | 7-7-2024 | ||
Attack | 99 | 13,043,326 | 385,387 | 1,347,834 | 0.66% | = | = | -126 | +5,968 | +6,805 | +863,560 | 19-12-2024 |
Defence | 99 | 13,043,484 | 335,848 | 1,347,676 | 0.67% | = | = | -148 | +5,968 | +5,629 | +1,098,854 | 7-7-2024 |
Strength | 99 | 13,314,640 | 464,630 | 1,076,520 | 20.65% | = | +3,824 | +799 | +202,448 | +67,180 | +1,001,064 | 20-12-2024 |
Hitpoints | 103 | 20,216,518 | 347,710 | 1,168,555 | 42.04% | = | +5,005 | -9 | +104,354 | +1,344 | +1,463,888 | 7-7-2024 |
Ranged | 99 | 13,620,707 | 474,831 | 770,453 | 43.21% | = | +11,769 | +717 | +122,041 | +8,032 | +1,904,484 | 28-6-2024 |
Prayer | 72 | 952,982 | 939,987 | 39,913 | 57.38% | = | +745 | -1 | +2,024 | -2,112 | +431,375 | 20-6-2023 |
Magic | 93 | 7,653,994 | 758,567 | 290,620 | 61.20% | = | +100 | -261 | +2,410 | -2,258 | +1,959,343 | 7-7-2024 |
Cooking | 102 | 18,183,760 | 45,101 | 1,185,232 | 35.09% | = | = | -31 | = | -214 | +3,005,400 | 14-9-2024 |
Woodcutting | 76 | 1,372,487 | 895,341 | 103,094 | 25.91% | = | +24,284 | +12,149 | +24,284 | +9,980 | +60,000 | 11-1-2024 |
Fletching | 99 | 13,079,914 | 146,895 | 1,311,246 | 3.35% | = | = | -45 | = | -450 | +4,051,215 | 7-10-2024 |
Fishing | 71 | 883,748 | 1,087,278 | 15,509 | 81.71% | +1,080 | = | -244 | = | -2,149 | +251,450 | 2-7-2023 |
Firemaking | 85 | 3,271,546 | 724,591 | 326,246 | 3.82% | = | +3,971 | +3,941 | +3,971 | +2,309 | +449,275 | 24-12-2024 |
Crafting | 99 | 13,034,467 | 205,004 | 1,356,693 | 0.00% | = | +32 | +1,859 | +2,959,347 | +12,785 | +1,282,435 | 8-3-2025 |
Smithing | 82 | 2,551,468 | 440,883 | 121,646 | 51.73% | = | +5 | -61 | +5 | -1,355 | +786,968 | 15-10-2024 |
Mining | 76 | 1,399,015 | 767,485 | 76,566 | 44.97% | = | +5,526 | +1,807 | +5,526 | -809 | +223,549 | 3-12-2023 |
Herblore | 81 | 2,193,067 | 459,144 | 228,020 | 0.11% | = | = | -77 | = | -1,350 | +1,119,300 | 16-10-2024 |
Agility | 75 | 1,214,532 | 708,343 | 121,911 | 3.26% | = | = | -267 | +53 | -2,276 | +136,530 | 9-12-2023 |
Thieving | 75 | 1,259,339 | 643,418 | 77,104 | 38.82% | = | = | -234 | = | -2,182 | +210,562 | 10-1-2024 |
Slayer | 77 | 1,501,393 | 872,283 | 127,807 | 16.80% | = | +3,652 | +758 | +90,245 | +24,146 | +86,593 | 9-3-2025 |
Farming | 99 | 13,060,045 | 280,625 | 1,331,115 | 1.89% | = | = | -125 | +19,302 | +7,433 | +217,979 | 3-8-2024 |
Runecraft | 71 | 879,010 | 498,583 | 20,247 | 76.13% | = | = | -176 | = | -1,880 | +90,000 | 23-11-2024 |
Hunter | 81 | 2,406,835 | 406,286 | 14,252 | 93.76% | +9,120 | +18,929 | +2,094 | +41,751 | +3,224 | +68,259 | 24-8-2024 |
Construction | 80 | 2,042,619 | 618,582 | 150,199 | 27.35% | = | = | -237 | = | -1,841 | +672,107 | 16-10-2024 |
Activity | Score | Rank | Scored today | Scored yesterday | Ranked yesterday | Scored last week | Ranked last week | Record | Record date |
Clue Scrolls (all) | 4 | 1,601,346 | = | = | -419 | = | -3,111 | ||
Clue Scrolls (beginner) | 2 | 1,201,463 | = | = | -321 | = | -2,442 | ||
Clue Scrolls (medium) | 2 | 1,208,051 | = | = | -224 | = | -1,808 | ||
Guardians of the Rift | 3 | 861,164 | = | = | -309 | = | -3,522 | ||
Barrows Chests | 18 | 875,358 | = | = | -217 | = | -1,910 | ||
Hespori | 15 | 502,846 | = | = | -159 | = | -1,269 | ||
Wintertodt | 164 | 619,414 | = | = | -155 | = | -1,593 |