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Combat level 107
Skill Level XP Rank XP to next Progress Trained today Trained yesterday Ranked yesterday Trained last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Total 1921 92,278,712 479,483 = +32,947 -218 +373,471 -1,515 +5,715,706 17-9-2023
Attack 82 2,455,094 980,883 218,020 13.49% = +72 -172 +176 -2,882 +310,856 28-4-2024
Defence 83 2,673,255 845,416 278,118 0.05% = = -193 = -2,352 +394,131 20-9-2024
Strength 83 2,761,024 1,318,859 190,349 31.59% = = -268 +150 -3,397 +311,475 7-8-2023
Hitpoints 94 8,109,914 824,061 661,644 19.99% = +7,366 +294 +86,657 +3,008 +524,196 20-9-2024
Ranged 98 12,169,550 571,855 864,881 29.62% = +22,063 +436 +260,034 +5,566 +478,320 2-2-2025
Prayer 78 1,669,996 608,290 128,812 24.05% = = -259 +27 -1,909 +2,703,525 15-4-2023
Magic 92 6,568,072 817,243 627,557 7.49% = +204 -204 +2,774 -2,365 +740,938 20-9-2024
Cooking 82 2,611,051 783,209 62,063 75.37% = +2,520 +45 +21,000 +541 +3,015,400 14-9-2023
Woodcutting 76 1,359,565 901,824 116,016 16.62% = = -224 = -2,419 +380,931 9-10-2023
Fletching 79 1,856,231 779,907 129,837 30.66% = = -157 = -1,615 +5,632,430 17-9-2023
Fishing 84 2,989,604 498,206 268,990 12.44% = = -144 = -1,214 +419,386 30-8-2023
Firemaking 90 5,435,613 509,358 467,218 16.04% = = -126 = -1,443 +711,495 5-8-2023
Crafting 87 3,973,406 378,799 412,370 0.27% = = -160 = -1,196 +515,997 31-5-2024
Smithing 78 1,646,393 563,451 152,415 10.14% = = -170 = -1,608 +581,863 25-6-2024
Mining 92 6,597,978 242,704 597,651 11.90% = = -133 = -1,445 +561,560 1-8-2023
Herblore 76 1,385,238 622,815 90,343 35.07% = = -80 = -1,667 +1,839,780 5-8-2023
Agility 76 1,389,933 601,413 85,648 38.44% = +16 -199 +180 -1,971 +577,965 25-7-2023
Thieving 101 16,287,677 38,697 1,255,299 24.10% = +706 +8 +2,473 -212 +2,409,884 20-7-2023
Slayer 72 976,382 1,036,265 16,513 82.37% = = -285 = -2,235 +80,000 7-7-2024
Farming 83 2,897,879 619,205 53,494 80.78% = = -248 = -1,889 +241,660 3-6-2023
Runecraft 81 2,198,787 290,027 222,300 2.61% = = -113 = -1,256 +525,074 14-7-2023
Hunter 71 832,984 846,027 66,273 21.86% = = -67 = -2,764 +371,868 17-8-2023
Construction 85 3,433,086 238,582 164,706 51.44% = = -140 = -956 +4,497,360 6-7-2023
Activity Score Rank Scored today Scored yesterday Ranked yesterday Scored last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Clue Scrolls (all) 108 461,398 = = -144 = -1,088 +8 18-2-2025
Clue Scrolls (easy) 1 1,739,204 = = -175 = -1,662
Clue Scrolls (medium) 20 493,113 = = -114 = -941
Clue Scrolls (hard) 79 299,760 = = -113 = -711 +8 18-2-2025
Clue Scrolls (elite) 8 357,800 = = -98 = -796
Last Man Standing Rank 555 246,123 = = -187 = -1,339
Guardians of the Rift 291 76,347 = = -25 = -719
Chambers of Xeric 5 329,181 = = -78 = -789
Commander Zilyana 80 154,948 = +3 +2,444 +42 +53,677 +19 5-3-2025
Deranged Archaeologist 5 272,209 = = -168 = -1,176
Hespori 8 628,339 = = -189 = -1,491
Tempoross 200 93,471 = = -61 = -458
The Gauntlet 6 277,012 = = -111 = -981
The Corrupted Gauntlet 286 91,932 = = -40 = -404
Vorkath 50 546,450 = = -153 = -1,126
Wintertodt 122 745,619 = = -158 = -1,768
Zulrah 685 163,198 = = -66 = -454 +13 22-1-2025