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Combat level 90
Skill Level XP Rank XP to next Progress Trained today Trained yesterday Ranked yesterday Trained last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Total 1530 16,650,672 1,204,318 +48,920 = -285 +225,526 +2,458 +848,516 7-11-2024
Attack 71 864,014 1,617,556 35,243 58.45% = = -331 = -3,533 +165,908 21-9-2024
Defence 70 805,735 1,497,718 8,710 88.66% = = -234 = -3,211 +138,289 12-11-2024
Strength 71 835,465 1,976,614 63,792 24.78% = = -343 = -4,361 +175,236 8-10-2024
Hitpoints 74 1,119,883 1,885,748 90,538 20.68% = = -252 = -4,428 +72,861 16-10-2024
Ranged 70 737,814 76,631 0.24% = = = = = +737,814 5-1-2025
Prayer 70 771,915 1,091,142 42,530 44.64% = = -254 = -2,652 +631,344 7-11-2024
Magic 74 1,176,974 1,741,276 33,447 70.70% = = -188 +18,896 +1,828 +168,988 1-10-2024
Cooking 66 502,887 1,845,268 45,066 12.83% = = -247 = -3,401 +265,220 17-10-2024
Woodcutting 80 2,017,641 695,761 175,177 15.27% = = -194 +62,750 +23,817 +114,275 28-9-2024
Fletching 54 151,583 1,923,035 15,053 4.51% = = -130 +11,300 +20,158 +113,683 9-1-2025
Fishing 77 1,523,939 809,002 105,261 31.48% +48,350 = -122 +132,580 +47,914 +182,990 25-1-2025
Firemaking 67 555,337 1,529,054 49,695 12.94% = = -240 = -3,417 +287,608 24-10-2024
Crafting 75 1,216,773 847,984 119,670 5.04% = = -262 = -2,137 +274,830 6-11-2024
Smithing 68 605,242 1,225,036 62,809 0.33% = = -244 = -2,940 +106,700 3-11-2024
Mining 71 864,214 1,106,427 35,043 58.68% = = -294 = -3,354 +262,089 23-10-2024
Herblore 54 156,252 1,414,612 10,384 34.13% = = -287 = -3,443 +108,660 30-9-2024
Agility 73 1,005,678 849,292 90,600 12.36% = = -293 = -2,564 +153,958 19-10-2024
Thieving 64 425,632 1,058,326 23,796 43.89% = = -356 = -3,101 +98,076 7-11-2024
Slayer 62 335,850 1,442,549 32,749 5.88% = = -256 = -2,725 +66,870 14-11-2024
Farming 68 611,517 1,140,992 56,534 10.29% = = -339 = -2,931 +75,249 13-11-2024
Runecraft 57 208,442 1,005,888 16,024 24.46% +570 = -260 = -2,845 +109,582 13-11-2024
Hunter 44 56,232 1,632,182 5,280 9.94% = = -184 = -3,653 +44,430 14-10-2024
Construction 50 101,653 1,518,169 10,292 3.02% = = -254 = -3,477 +65,110 12-11-2024
Activity Score Rank Scored today Scored yesterday Ranked yesterday Scored last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Clue Scrolls (easy) 1 1,766,489 = = -141 = -1,401
Guardians of the Rift 26 607,715 = = -294 = -2,798
Tempoross 32 513,717 = = -179 = -1,840
Wintertodt 29 1,295,978 = = -282 = -2,869