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RS3 | OSRS | RuneMetrics
Combat level 138 (126+12)
11,770 RuneScore
Forum full body
Skill Level XP Rank XP to next Progress Trained today Trained yesterday Ranked yesterday Trained last week Ranked last week
Total 2693 493,046,196 188,928 = = +62 = +430
Attack 101 16,084,038 149,384 1,458,938 11.79% = = +62 = +399
Defence 99 13,459,583 233,650 931,577 31.34% = = +105 = +627
Strength 100 14,820,003 175,209 1,069,106 28.63% = = +66 = +463
Constitution 107 31,107,744 157,009 670,199 77.63% = = +49 = +388
Ranged 105 24,179,547 115,682 1,889,085 23.13% = = +43 = +314
Prayer 100 14,945,598 127,773 943,511 37.01% = = +44 = +232
Magic 109 36,519,684 90,514 2,217,977 39.27% = = +20 = +228
Cooking 100 14,529,974 130,971 1,359,135 9.27% = = +46 = +234
Woodcutting 99 14,211,881 166,358 179,279 86.79% = = +52 = +175
Fletching 99 13,656,265 160,515 734,895 45.83% = = +31 = +228
Fishing 102 18,699,202 121,290 669,790 63.32% = = +52 = +200
Firemaking 99 13,602,157 188,427 789,003 41.85% = = +68 = +319
Crafting 99 13,595,216 169,442 795,944 41.33% = = +57 = +358
Smithing 99 13,411,739 201,744 979,421 27.81% = = +102 = +443
Mining 101 16,540,270 148,809 1,002,706 39.37% = = +49 = +199
Herblore 100 14,458,437 195,070 1,430,672 4.49% = = +78 = +567
Agility 99 13,433,963 180,862 957,197 29.45% = = +58 = +402
Thieving 99 13,943,876 149,095 447,284 67.03% = = +41 = +263
Slayer 103 20,639,633 153,180 745,440 63.03% = = +77 = +365
Farming 103 20,198,900 132,014 1,186,173 41.16% = = +48 = +234
Runecrafting 99 13,447,273 141,498 943,887 30.43% = = +22 = -291
Hunter 101 15,901,634 104,896 1,641,342 0.76% = = +48 = +216
Construction 99 13,684,621 155,553 706,539 47.92% = = +44 = +246
Summoning 99 14,215,197 116,633 175,963 87.03% = = +40 = +247
Dungeoneering 107 29,755,900 112,255 2,022,043 32.51% = = +50 = +260
Divination 100 15,068,114 110,839 820,995 45.19% = = +26 = +126
Invention 100 38,935,747 173,169 334,695 79.86% = = +34 = +307
Archaeology = = = = =
Necromancy = = = = =
Activity Score Rank Scored today Scored yesterday Ranked yesterday Scored last week Ranked last week
Dominion Tower 2,938,127 51,924 = = -7 = +22
Barbarian Assault Attackers 2,167 16,818 = = +5 = +26
Barbarian Assault Defenders 1,629 18,656 = = +16 = +10
Barbarian Assault Collectors 937 46,189 = = +37 = +90
Barbarian Assault Healers 2,425 17,020 = = +4 = +23
Conquest 1,313 6,417 = = +8 = +29
World Event 2: Armadyl Lifetime Contribution 765,000 23,395 = = +18 = +92
World Event 2: Bandos PvP Kills 6 10,073 = = +15 = +39
Cabbage Facepunch Bonanza: 5 Game Average 182 194 = = +1 = +4
RuneScore 11,770 85,950 = = +6 = -125
Clue Scrolls (hard) 2 202,023 = = +111 = +672
Clue Scrolls (elite) 21 99,402 = = +57 = +271

Activity feed

20000000XP in Farming
I now have at least 20000000 experience points in the Farming skill.
I killed 4 tormented demons.
I killed 4 tormented demons, fewer tormented souls in the world must be a good thing.
I killed 2 glacors.
I killed 2 glacors and many glacytes to go with them.
36000000XP in Magic
I now have at least 36000000 experience points in the Magic skill.
I killed a glacor.
I killed a glacor and its glacytes.
I killed a tormented demon.
I killed a tormented demon, that's one less tormented soul in the world.
I killed a glacor.
I killed a glacor and its glacytes.
I killed 3 tormented demons.
I killed 3 tormented demons, fewer tormented souls in the world must be a good thing.
I killed a glacor.
I killed a glacor and its glacytes.
Elite treasure trail completed.
I have completed an elite treasure trail.
Unlocked the first spell on the Livid Farm.
I helped Pauline enough on the Livid Farm to learn the first spell, Teleport to Falador.
16000000XP in Attack
I now have at least 16000000 experience points in the Attack skill.
38000000XP in Invention
I now have at least 38000000 experience points in the Invention skill.
14000000XP in Woodcutting
I now have at least 14000000 experience points in the Woodcutting skill.
Elite treasure trail completed.
I have completed an elite treasure trail.
Levelled up Invention.
I levelled my Invention skill, I am now level 100.
14000000XP in Divination
I now have at least 14000000 experience points in the Divination skill.
16000000XP in Mining
I now have at least 16000000 experience points in the Mining skill.
I killed 2 boss monsters in Daemonheim.
I killed 2 boss monsters called: Lexicus Runewright and Har'Lakk the Riftsplitter in Daemonheim.
20000000XP in Slayer
I now have at least 20000000 experience points in the Slayer skill.