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RS3 | OSRS | RuneMetrics
Combat level 112 (107+5)
1,530 RuneScore
Forum full body
Skill Level XP Rank XP to next Progress Trained today Trained yesterday Ranked yesterday Trained last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Total 1450 24,480,161 555,824 = = +347 = +1,820
Attack 87 4,163,460 360,922 222,316 46.23% = = +191 = +1,016
Defence 81 2,206,736 436,187 214,351 6.10% = = +248 = +1,177
Strength 91 6,044,773 338,278 472,480 23.10% = = +189 = +962
Constitution 88 4,686,990 408,255 155,305 65.98% = = +214 = +1,106
Ranged 78 1,713,876 434,411 84,932 49.92% = = +221 = +1,177
Prayer 61 328,978 513,366 4,826 84.69% = = +311 = +1,530
Magic 75 1,221,733 510,504 114,710 8.98% = = +283 = +1,312
Cooking 70 793,675 488,123 20,770 72.96% = = +238 = +1,206
Woodcutting 77 1,505,375 483,888 123,825 19.39% = = +228 = +997
Fletching 49 96,096 682,558 5,237 45.52% = = +423 = +2,334
Fishing 56 195,422 684,269 7,832 59.24% = = +376 = +1,769
Firemaking 51 112,921 749,272 10,739 8.33% = = +430 = +2,108
Crafting 47 75,842 755,429 7,172 9.07% = = +460 = +2,512
Smithing 49 98,005 771,588 3,328 65.38% = = +538 = +2,548
Mining 57 216,985 723,891 7,481 64.73% = = +519 = +2,418
Herblore 38 30,757 622,352 2,891 10.77% = = +376 = +2,154
Agility 41 42,170 652,514 3,359 22.92% = = +399 = +2,163
Thieving 55 174,615 490,014 9,425 45.85% = = +307 = +1,603
Slayer 67 551,801 448,795 53,231 6.74% = = +269 = +1,432
Farming 26 9,375 609,243 355 64.14% = = +375 = +1,873
Runecrafting 23 6,529 835,462 499 32.29% = = +506 = +2,462
Hunter 32 18,187 609,715 60 96.65% = = +379 = +2,071
Construction 37 27,667 617,843 2,741 6.61% = = +434 = +2,262
Summoning 41 45,413 520,159 116 97.34% = = +294 = +1,561
Dungeoneering 50 109,162 528,282 2,783 73.77% = = +318 = +1,737
Divination = = = = = +430 12-11-2024
Invention = = = = =
Archaeology 17 3,188 520,102 335 17.89% = = +392 = +2,029
Necromancy = = = = =
Activity Score Rank Scored today Scored yesterday Ranked yesterday Scored last week Ranked last week Record Record date
Bounty Hunter: Rogue Kills 648 15,508 = = +5 = -1
Barbarian Assault Attackers 952 57,651 = = +33 = +142
Barbarian Assault Defenders 876 42,118 = = +26 = +65
Barbarian Assault Collectors 891 49,399 = = +38 = +118
Barbarian Assault Healers 1,449 47,079 = = +38 = +89
Fist of Guthix 1,309 57,575 = = +23 = +110
RuneScore 1,530 535,230 = = +326 = +1,714

Activity feed

Levelled up Dungeoneering.
I levelled my Dungeoneering skill, I am now level 50.
Levelled up Archaeology.
I levelled my Archaeology skill, I am now level 17.
Quest complete: Heartstealer
We may not have stolen a priceless ruby, but I helped Annette steal Caelyn's heart.
Levelled up Construction.
I levelled my Construction skill, I am now level 37.
Levelled up Crafting.
I levelled my Crafting skill, I am now level 47.
Levelled all skills over 5
By levelling up my Divination skill, I achieved at least level 5 in all skills.
Levelled up Divination.
I levelled my Divination skill, I am now level 5.
Levelled all skills over 4
By levelling up my Divination skill, I achieved at least level 4 in all skills.
Levelled up Divination.
I levelled my Divination skill, I am now level 5.
Levelled all skills over 3
By levelling up my Divination skill, I achieved at least level 3 in all skills.
Levelled up Divination.
I levelled my Divination skill, I am now level 5.
Levelled up Herblore.
I levelled my Herblore skill, I am now level 38.
Levelled up Woodcutting.
I levelled my Woodcutting skill, I am now level 77.